We are living and working longer than ever before and looking forward to a longer retirement. Whether your retirement is still a way off, or just round the corner, planning ahead will help make sure you can fully enjoy life after work.
Online services
If you’re a new joiner to Chevron and not yet a member of the Plan, you can also click on the link below and use the login details you were provided with in your offer letter.
For access to Fidelity (the Plan’s DC provider):

Your Plan
The Chevron UK Pension Plan (the Plan) is primarily a Defined Benefit (DB) Plan. However, members who join the Plan from 1 January 2012 may also be eligible for an additional payment towards their retirement savings, known as a Defined Contribution (DC) benefit. Regardless of when a member joins, employees also have the opportunity to make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) in order to save for their retirement. Members who make AVCs can choose how much to pay in, how to invest these savings and how the receive the benefits at retirement.
This section of the website provides the public and members who have DC benefits with further information on the Plan’s DC costs and charges as required by legislation. For access to the Plan’s online member services, please click on the log in buttons above.